Sunday, April 6, 2008

Definition of Religion

Religion is a way of life, guiding its followers with meanings embedded in historic texts, or important abstract ideas or insignia. These meanings tend to give people a purpose in life, which motivates them to abide by certain set of ethical or behavioral standards. Because it shapes their life, people experience it in different ways. In general, their worship and actions lead the followers to the fulfillment of the ultimate goal of their way of life.

I agree with Clifford Geertz’s definition of religion because it is broad, encompassing the characteristics of all religions. It includes the characteristics religions have in common. For example, they all worship different symbols, which carry different meanings. Because it is broad, it does not discriminate between religions; it does not say that some religions are right or wrong; or good or bad. In other words, it is unbiased, eliminating discrimination. As a result, it can be used to evaluate every religion.

I also agree with fact that he excluded the idea of blind faith. I think that blind faith means believing in something without having tangible evidence that proves it exists. Not all people have blind faith in their religions. For example, the Protestants in Weber's book did not always of have faith that they were among the selected. Because of their uncertainty, they felt motivated to find an indicator of their status. To them, wealth became the sign of grace or salvation. They resorted to finding something tangible to prove the faith they had in salvation. Therefore, they did not have blind faith in that aspect of their religion.

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